Posted in Blog Memes, Saturday Stars

Saturday Stars – 07 Aug 2021 – Nikolai Lantsov (King of Scars & Rule of Wolves)

Well, peeps I’m watching The Suicide Squad (2021) on this tiring Saturday evening and the movie is so bad, it’s like being witness to a train wreck and unable to look away. Lol.

But let’s not digress. Today, I give to you Nikolai Lantsov—privateer, prince charming, demon king.

Saturday Star: Nikolai Lantsov
Book/Series: Siege & Storm, Ruin & Rising, King of Scars, Rule of Wolves – Leigh Bardugo

When I first met Nikolai in Siege & Storm (The Grisha trilogy), I was totally charmed and he became one of my favorite characters in this series. I hadn’t thought it possible to like him even more. Then I read King of Scars and I fell deeper for him. And in Rule of Wolves, there was no resisting him. I was done for.

Reading his POV in King of Scars, there was so much depth to him I couldn’t help but love him. There was a surprising sweetness under all that charming swagger of his. The deeper exploration into his character left me awed and fascinated. You think you understood him but there was so much more to him than he let anyone see.

In Rule of Wolves, flawed and complicated and so brave, he became the best version of himself. Wah, I just love him! I can’t wait to see who they cast as Nikolai in the Netflix’s Shadow & Bone for season 2.


How to participate in this meme:
1. Credit the creator of this tag (Me! 😉 ) and link back.
2. Answer the three questions pertaining to the character.
3. Have fun revisiting your favorite characters and their worlds.
1 - Saturday Star (Name the Character you want to feature.)
2 - Which book or series does the character live in?
3 - Why is this character among your favorites? 
Posted in Miscellaneous

Cast for Shadow & Bone series!

Guess what? The cast for the Shadow & Bone series has been revealed and do they look cool, or what!


I’m sure most of you already know about the Grisha trilogy and Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. (If you don’t, go check out the books, they’re pretty awesome!)

So Netflix will be releasing a new TV show based on Shadow and Bone (the first book in the Grisha trilogy) and this show will also incorporate the Six of Crows duology, including the famous characters in the Grishaverse.

I’m really looking forward to the show but I do hope it won’t be a disappointment like the Shadowhunters series, whose cast definitely did NOT reflect the characters from the books. (Case in point – I only stomached the first 4 eps of the series before dropping it and I’ve never been tempted to go watch it).

The cast for Shadow and Bone seems more or less perfect for the characters in the Grishaverse but only when the show premiers that we’ll know.

Thoughts, people?